Friday, December 6, 2019

Medicare Essay Example For Students

Medicare Essay The Medicare DebateEssay submitted by UnknownThe U.S. government have denied that Medicare has been going bankrupt. Although the government may say that Medicare has plenty of money it is untrue because it is a fact that Medicare will go bankrupt by the year 2001 as stated by preliminary sources. Medicare is one of the main sources of funding for those people that have no money or very small amount of money. The community service that was done for this research paper is hospital volunteering at John Muir Medical Center. The community service included various jobs that was needed to be done were, Putting items away for nurses, discharging patients, doing paper work, feeding patients, answering phones, and helping patients when they ask for assistance. The floor I worked on was Oncology (The branch of medicine that deals with tumors, including study of their development, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention). This community service has help me gain insight on the Medicare situation bec ause I have asked multiple amount of people that work at John Muir Medical Center. There is a side to be considered about Medicare and Social Security in the government. The vice president of the United States, Al Gore, wrote in a letter stating that social security funds are not being depleted. Gore said that, the allegations to the contrary have been circulated by certain organizations as a money-making scheme for some time. (Gore Letter). Vice President Gore tries to show theses allegations are untrue by explaining how social security works. In this letter, Vice President Gore cleared up the allegations by writing that, When Social Security taxes are collected, they are credited to the Social Security trust funds with government security, perhaps the safest investment in the United States. In history Medicare has experience a few problem regarding its funding. Problems have occurred over the history of Medicare. The major problem and most recent of Medicare is that it is going bankrupt. Medicare is another legacy of Lyndon Baines Johnson Great Society. Spending is obviously out of control. On June 5th the government announced that the Medicare Trust Fund would go broke by the year 2001(nationaldebt). In 1965 when LBJ started Health and Medicare, the Total Federal Spending for the year was $101 Billion. By the year 2000 we will spend over 4 times than amount on Health and Medicare alone, and Medicare will equal the annual spending for Defense(CNN). Under our Constitution, Defense is a specific responsibility of the Federal Government. Medicare is a step-child of our Liberal/Socialists. You might keep this in mind when we get to the point where we have to chose what we CAN do versus what we would LIKE to do. By the year 2002 Medicare will have exceeded defense spending H ealthcare has been a problem for the government as well for it has added to the enormous debt the country already has. Another major problem of Medicare is that the government does not regulate Medicare enough(Medicare). Medicare affects all different aspects of different programs. For instance Medicare affects Social Security (national debt). Social Security has already exceeded Defense spending by almost double. Just like Medicare, Social Security is being abused. Abused meaning that people take advantage of it. It is different from Medicare because less people can use Social Security because it is set aside for the tax payers of this country. The mechanism is similar to depositing money in a bank. As you know, when a bank accepts a deposit. It takes that money and uses it for loans and investments in order to provide a positive return to share holders and interest-bearing accounts. The deposit is credited to an account, and as long as the account has a positive balance, the bank is obligated to honor debits to it. In the same way, the trust funds balances represent and have swerved as financial claims against the government-claims on which the Department of the Treasury has never defaulted. (Gore Letter). This letter written by Al Gore shows the government side of the issue on Social Security. The government does make its point in describing that Social Security is not endanger of losing money or even going bankrupt. According to Al Gore he mentioned that,

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